Climate Physics Laboratory

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Climate Physics Laboratory
Division of Earth and Planetary Science
Graduate School of Science
Kyoto University


2024.05.09: Members' page Update
2022.06.06: Members' page Update
2022.05.06: Members' page Update
2021.09.16: Members' page Update
2021.04.19: Members' page Update

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2020.04.27: Members' page Update
2019.11.22: Members' page Update
2019.04.26: Members' page Update
2018.05.28: Members' page Update
2017.04.20: Members' page Update
2016.04.13: Members' page Update
2015.04.23: Members' page Update
2014.04.30: Members' page Update
2013.08.16: Professor Satomura received a commendation and a medal from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,Vietnam.
2013.04.22: Members' page Update
2012.10.01: Aye Aye Soe came to our lab. (until 2013.01.31)
2012.07.02: Rui Ito got the Takekoshi award
2012.04.12: Members' page Update
2012.02.20: Aina TANIGUCHI got the Kyoto University Division of Earth and Planetary Science Master thesis award

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Validation / intercomparison of satellite precipitation estimates over Japan

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Research meeting

Tropical Meteorology Research Meeting 2011 (2011.09.06-09.07)
See details(Japanese)

First International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models (2010.09.29-10.01)
See details

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